Summary of Electromagnetic Wave Equation in Free Space

Scientific Concepts and Discoveries

Methodology for Deriving Wave Equations

Summary of Key Relationships

The wave equations derived indicate that the solutions represent waves that fulfill all of Maxwell's Equations in vacuum. The E-field and B-field components can be expressed in terms of their spatial and temporal derivatives.

Researchers or Sources Featured

The video references Maxwell's Equations but does not mention specific researchers or additional sources.

Notable Quotes

06:51 — « For the scalar product to be zero, the wave vector and the E-field vector must be orthogonal to each other at all times and locations. »
08:16 — « An electromagnetic wave propagating in vacuum with speed of light has a B-field and E-field. The two field vectors are always orthogonal to each other AND to the direction of propagation of the wave. »


Science and Nature
