Summary of I Started a New Business. It Didn't Go Well...

The video discusses the journey of launching a new brand and a mechanical keyboard product that received negative reviews. The speaker shares the lessons learned from the experience and reflects on the mistakes made during the process. The speaker started the new business and launched the mechanical keyboard product. The video discusses the speaker's experience with starting a new business, particularly focusing on the development of a keyboard product. The speaker expresses concerns about the quality of the product and the decision-making process involved. They emphasize the importance of prioritizing quality over personal preferences and seeking feedback from experts and users. The speaker reflects on the need for thorough testing and research before launching a product, acknowledging mistakes made in their approach. A conversation with another individual, Hippo, highlights the marketing strategy and the importance of focusing on the customer experience rather than making false efficiency claims. The video concludes with the speaker thanking Hippo for valuable insights and encouraging viewers to learn from the experience. ### Methodology: - Take bad feelings about a project seriously - Test products extensively before release - Seek feedback from experts and users - Prioritize quality over personal preferences - Avoid heavy-handed marketing and false efficiency claims ### Speakers: - Ali Abdaal - Hippo (unspecified full name)

Notable Quotes

18:14 — « but because of his authority he's trying to get them to not do the research and to me that just feels a little bit scummy »
23:23 — « when you are trying to do too many things things go wrong ``` »
31:53 — « the feel of a keyboard comes essentially from the keycaps and just customizing the key caps would have been a lot easier and caused a lot less heartache. »
32:36 — « I think the marketing was too heavy-handed, I'd agree. »
33:34 — « I know for me before I had a really nice keyboard, I didn't really like just sitting down and typing, and then for me once I got a really nice keyboard, I started to enjoy typing more. »
