Summary of Host Your Website For FREE Using Github Pages

The subtitles explain how to host a simple website for free using GitHub Pages in four simple steps. The first step is to install Git, create a GitHub repository, push the code into the repository, and deploy the website. Key points include creating an index.html file, using Git commands, and setting up the website in the repository settings. The tutorial emphasizes that GitHub Pages works for static websites and the importance of naming the HTML file as index.html. The speaker guides viewers through the process and encourages them to subscribe to the channel for more valuable tutorials.

Notable Quotes

00:23 — « Step two is to create a GitHub repository for that, sign in or create a GitHub account then on the top left corner you will find a new button to create a repository here give a name to your repository and create it. »
00:50 — « I have created an index.html file for the website. Make sure the name is index.html only. It contains some basic HTML code with a heading tag. »


