Summary of Membrane Permeability Beetroot Practical

The video demonstrates a biology practical experiment using beetroot tissue to investigate the effect of temperature on cell membrane permeability. The red compound in beetroot, anthocyanin, leaks out from the cells when the membrane is damaged. The methodology involves placing beetroot chips in different temperature water baths, measuring the leakage of anthocyanin, and using a colorimeter to quantify the amount of colored compound leaked. A graph is plotted to analyze the data, showing that membrane leakage increases with temperature due to membrane fluidity and denaturation of proteins. The experiment can be extended to study the effects of pH or ethanol concentration on cell membranes. ### Methodology: - Use beetroot tissue with anthocyanin - Place beetroot chips in water baths of varying temperatures - Measure leakage of anthocyanin - Use a colorimeter to quantify colored compound leakage - Plot a graph to analyze data - Study the effects of other variables on cell membranes ### Speaker: Unnamed

Notable Quotes

07:14 — « probably what is happening is that the proteins in the membrane and our starters become denatured and the membrane is actually starting to fall apart here so all of the unfastening is leaking out now »
07:57 — « in fact there's quite a lot of different factors here that you could investigate. »
