Summary of I Almost Died... But God Gave Me a Second Chance | Pieter Pretorius

Pieter Pretorius, in his video "I Almost Died... But God Gave Me a Second Chance," shares a personal story of surviving a heart attack that led to a spiritual awakening and a renewed commitment to God. He emphasizes the importance of having a relationship with God and the power of faith in overcoming challenges.

Key Points

Notable Quotes

14:09 — « it's all God's plan whatever we do in life", " »
46:31 — « what can organizations do to make sure that something like that doesn't happen in their own companies", " »
46:52 — « successional planning is one of the most important things that ever needs to happen in the company"]] »
47:32 — « that driver going to do he's going to make your top performance leave he's going to destroy your company", "he's going to make your top performance leave he's going to destroy your company"], [" »
51:04 — « to become like glue and when that happens positive growth in a business Happ", "to become like glue and when that happens positive growth in a business Happ"], [" »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
