Summary of VA Claim For Exposure To Environmental or Military Occupational Hazard

The video discusses how to establish exposure to environmental or military occupational hazards for service connection, specifically focusing on the Toxic Risk Exposure Activity (Terror) claim for non-permanent disability.


Notable Quotes

00:50 — « okay everyone this is the first time that I covered this particular topic so Im going to take you to the vas website and share some information with you okay Im going to try to keep it super simple so it doesnt get too confusing. »
03:03 — « These nuggets are really going to start to fall okay so it says important concede exposure to the claimed environmental or military occupational hazard if the statements provided by the veteran and or others are consistent with the facts, places, and circumstances of the veterans service. »
09:01 — « now if you file a claim this way and you get to the compensation and pension exam you at third base the way you bring it home come here and read this and thats how you read articulate to that examiner based on that sentence I just read to you huge nugget. »
12:51 — « its a nugget because you know how long you were exposed to it was it daily was it weekly was it monthly and guess where youre going to put that information in your person statement where guess where else youre going to talk about it when you get to the CMP exam. »


