Summary of AUM is the "Cosmic Sound" because Mantras ~ EM Radiation

The video discusses the concept of AUM as the "Cosmic Sound" and explores whether it is a sound or a symbol of electromagnetic radiation.

The Ancients believed that AUM is the cosmic sound, timeless, imperishable, and the source of all creation.

The video suggests that interpreting AUM as electromagnetic radiation makes more sense, as it can travel through space, is not subject to time, and plays a role in the creation of the universe.

mantras are described as both sounds and symbols of electromagnetic radiation, with practical and theoretical meanings.

The video explores how mantras can influence meditative states practically and symbolize concepts of electromagnetic radiation theoretically.

The connection between sound and electromagnetic radiation is discussed, highlighting similarities that led to the discovery of the wave theory of light in the 17th century.

The video emphasizes the role of rituals, symbols, and stories in preserving knowledge in ancient times, compared to the centralized preservation of information in modern times.

The use of mantras as symbols of electromagnetic radiation is explained as a way to communicate and preserve knowledge.

The video ends by discussing the Peace Bell in Hiroshima, Japan, as an example of using sound as a symbol of electromagnetic radiation in a ritualistic and meditative context.

Notable Quotes

05:54 — « when I think about preserving the knowledge of physics in ancient times embedding information into symbols, rituals, and stories which form the Bedrock of society is a no-brainer."] [" »
07:01 — « because of sound's own wave-like behavior, he knew very well that sound and light were different but the similarities between their properties inspired a breakthrough in physics."] [" »
08:23 — « the Ancients realized these similarities just like hens and used mantras to communicate their knowledge about electromagnetic radiation."] [" »
10:25 — « the spell preserves an important concept in physics within a simple ritual of ringing a bell."] [" »
11:41 — « the sound created by the Bell still be considered an auditory symbol of electromagnetic radiation it was intended for that purpose but will this future civilization accept it that is the question."] »


Science and Nature
