Summary of Sub-Domains from Business Capabilities (Ian Cooper)

Main Financial Strategies and Business Trends

Methodology/Step-by-Step Guide


Notable Quotes

10:01 — « A persuasive metaphor introduces the risk design will take on aspects of the analogy that are not desirable for the problem at hand. »
12:02 — « This idea effectively of I want to move through layers I think the responsibility bit is interesting but I think responsibility layers are not particularly useful. »
16:50 — « I would tend to use it more to describe one model rather than look for how many models work. »
17:33 — « A process is usually a verb-noun combination that is something your business does like make lunch or prepare a bill. »
21:40 — « Those tend to be reason good candidates for effectively breaking up your system into processes which make good candidates to be individual pieces of your software. »


Business and Finance
