Summary of « On va sauter dans les 24 mois qui viennent » – Charles Gave

Charles Gave, a financier and economist, delves into the concept of legitimacy in governments and criticizes the transfer of sovereignty to supranational authorities by the "men of Davos." He denounces their advocacy for globalization and a world government, highlighting their disconnect from everyday realities. Gave warns against a technocratic elite imposing a Malthusian ideology, promoting population control and a civilization of death.

Key Points

Notable Quotes

29:25 — « today, which are legal but which are no longer legitimate. That is to say, they are hated by the population. »
40:25 — « moving from collective morality to individual morality is what allows men to be free men. »
44:54 — « This is because if you borrow at five and you invest at two, after a certain time, the exponentials at five grow much faster than the exponentials at two and you jump. »
60:03 — « Today, everywhere in France, you can't find work even though there are plenty of... You can't find workers, because the guy prefers to stay at home, he gets paid more by staying at home. »
63:12 — « Liberalism, if you like, is the only way we have found in history to prevent the monster that is the State, which we created to protect us, from martyring us. »


Business and Finance
