Summary of How I'm Growing an Accounting Business Without a CPA License


The video features Rob Satam interviewing Dylan Hendrickson, an entrepreneur who has successfully built an accounting business without a CPA license. The discussion centers on Dylan's unique journey in the accounting field, his strategies for growth, and insights into the financial services market, particularly for small businesses and entrepreneurs.

Main Financial Strategies and Business Trends Presented

Methodology / Step-by-Step Guide


Notable Quotes

01:25 — « The visual I always give people is you know Tom Hanks on the movie Cast Away when he's off on the deserted island and he's trying to make fire. »
07:48 — « The only way to get better at the sales calls is to take a freaking million sales calls and the only way to get better on videos is to make a freaking million videos. »
40:04 — « Relentless means craving the end result so badly that the work becomes irrelevant. »
50:00 — « Whether you love or hate where you're at in your life, it's 100% your fault and it's nobody else's fault. »


Business and Finance
