Summary of The Keys to Boxing Footwork - Footwork Concepts & Techniques

The video "The Keys to boxing footwork - footwork Concepts & Techniques" delves into the importance of footwork in boxing, tracing its roots back to fencing for historical context. It stresses the necessity of maintaining a proper stance and weight distribution to optimize movement, advocating for small steps over big leaps to ensure balance and control in the ring. However, strategic use of big steps can be beneficial in surprising opponents and ensuring safety. Coach Keith Kepner, along with Xavier BS and Tyrell Bigs, provides insights and examples to elucidate these concepts.

Key Points

Training Techniques

Recommended Exercises


Personal experiences and mentorship tips underscore the importance of consistent training and unwavering dedication to honing footwork skills in boxing.

Notable Quotes

15:50 — « fall off balance »
16:45 — « you can allow yourself to explode out into a big step »
20:09 — « its a light touch but that little light touch is »
41:45 — « I challenge you to be the same. »
57:01 — « be able to step to the side because now theyre out so many times. »


