Summary of Selection for Tuskless Elephants | HHMI BioInteractive Video

The video discusses the phenomenon of tusklessness in elephant populations, particularly in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique, where researchers have observed a significant increase in tuskless female elephants as a consequence of historical poaching. The key scientific concepts and discoveries presented in the video include:

Tusk Characteristics

Impact of Poaching

Genetic and Evolutionary Implications

Broader Ecological Changes

The ongoing demand for ivory is driving complex changes in elephant populations, including declining numbers and alterations in physical traits due to selective pressures.

Researchers and Sources Featured:

Notable Quotes

05:44 — « In this day and age now, with all the poaching that's going on, actually the tuskless elephants are at an advantage because they are not being targeted for their tusks. »
05:59 — « The insatiable demand for Ivory is driving complex changes in elephant populations. »


Science and Nature
