Summary of Heart of 29: The story of Rod Carew and his heart and kidney donor Konrad Reuland

Rod Carew, a former professional baseball player, met an 11-year-old football player named Conrad Reuland, who looked up to him.

Conrad achieved his dream of becoming a professional athlete, but tragically passed away at the age of 29 due to a brain aneurysm.

Rod Carew suffered a massive heart attack and needed a heart and kidney transplant.

After Conrad's passing, it was discovered that he was the donor for Rod Carew's heart and kidney transplant.

Rod Carew and Conrad's families met and formed a bond, with Rod expressing gratitude for Conrad's selfless donation.

The families feel a strong connection and believe that their meeting was meant to be, with Rod considering Conrad his hero and brother.

The families continue to stay connected, with Rod expressing love and gratitude towards Conrad.

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