Summary of Equilibrio de mercado | Cap. 5 - Microeconomía

Market equilibrium is when the demand and supply curves intersect, resulting in a price and quantity where both buyers and sellers are satisfied.

Notable Quotes

00:16 — « At point A, where the curves cross, it is called market equilibrium; Here the equilibrium price is 3 dollars and the equilibrium quantity is 6 soft drinks. This means that at this point, both sellers and buyers are satisfied. »
00:56 — « The next step for sellers is to reduce the price; lowering the price increases the quantity demanded and reduces the quantity offered, thus returning to the break-even point. »
01:09 — « At that lower price buyers cannot get all the soft drinks they want because sellers at that price offer only 3 and buyers demand 8 soft drinks. In this case there is an excess demand. »


