Summary of A guide to expressing yourself (Giving and Asking Opinions - 8th grade)

The importance of giving and asking opinions in communication is highlighted.

opinions stimulate critical thinking and help in understanding different perspectives.

An opinion is a personal belief or judgment about something, not stating facts.

Examples of phrases to ask for opinions are provided, such as "What do you think about" and "How do you feel about."

tips for agreeing and disagreeing respectfully are given, emphasizing the use of polite language and listening to others.

The importance of respecting different opinions is emphasized.

students are encouraged to role-play scenarios to practice expressing opinions.

traits like "In my opinion" can be used to start sharing opinions.

It is important to listen to and respect others' opinions.


Notable Quotes

00:28 — « Okay so why opinions matter because importance in communication because eh eh because in our daily life there must be something called eh opinion self-opinion. »
04:31 — « In agreeing I agree with you because uniforms can promote equality or you can say uh My cat is really cute rather than Your cat so and this is this agreeing I. »
11:17 — « Oh to hear that because I love the combination of the sauce and the fruit and giving refreshing taste and like spices so I enjoy very much yes. »


