Summary of Sou médium? O que fazer? | Jacobson Trovão

Mediumship is a human faculty that involves capturing or being in contact with other minds in the spiritual world.

Mediumship is a natural sense that everyone possesses, but some individuals may have clearer perceptions and abilities to connect with the spiritual world.

Mediumship can manifest through intuition, clairvoyance, psychography, and other sensory perceptions.

Mediums should focus on self-care, maintaining psychic balance, and developing self-control to avoid negative influences and maintain well-being.

It is important to trust in the protection of spiritual benefactors, pray regularly, and create a harmonious environment at home to ward off negative spirits.

During the period of quarantine, mediums should focus on spiritual studies, emotional vigilance, and maintaining a connection with good spirits.

It is essential to follow health regulations and guidelines, including social distancing and isolation, even if it means suspending mediumistic meetings.

Sensory perceptions related to Mediumship should be evaluated by medical professionals to rule out any physical causes.

Mediums should be cautious about interpreting sensations and perceptions as mediumistic and should focus on self-awareness and emotional control.

Prayers, positive thoughts, and maintaining a connection with spiritual benefactors can help in managing mediumistic perceptions and maintaining well-being.


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Wellness and Self-Improvement
