Summary of Las claves para vender la felicidad | Edgar Cabanas | TEDxMadrid

The obsession with happiness is fueled by various industries offering recipes and promises that being happy is a choice that anyone can make.

There is doubt surrounding the discourse on happiness, with concerns about the negative consequences of the messages and promises being made.

companies use happiness as a tool to control and exploit workers, disguising it as positivity and personal growth.

The happiness industry is a profitable business, with companies investing billions globally in promoting happiness.

The keys to selling happiness are based on presenting products as scientifically proven, emphasizing the need for constant emotional exercise, promoting insatiable happiness, teaching happiness as a skill, and offering simple individual solutions to complex structural problems.

The industry promotes the idea that personal happiness is within one's control, but fails to address the larger societal issues contributing to unhappiness.

The talk is not against happiness, but rather an invitation to question the individualistic, consumerist form of happiness being promoted.

The main takeaway is that the industry has successfully normalized the obsession with happiness, leading people to constantly pursue a promised happiness that may not truly exist.


Notable Quotes

09:21 — « is related to this, a third key is to let it be known that happiness is something insatiable, a path always to be followed. towards a goal that we never reach because according to experts, it does not matter how satisfied we are, we can always be happier.] »


