Summary of Wacquant - Sur le discours sécuritaire

Summary of "Wacquant - Sur le discours sécuritaire"

In the video titled "Wacquant - Sur le discours sécuritaire," the speaker discusses the evolution of security discourse, particularly in relation to the neoliberal ideology that has emerged from the United States. The presentation begins with a reference to an article by criminologist Philippe Douste Blazy, who emphasizes the hesitance of politicians to address the issue of security, despite growing concerns in France.

The speaker critiques the shift from welfare to "workfare," highlighting how policies have evolved since the late 20th century, particularly under the influence of think tanks advocating for reduced social assistance and increased punitive measures. This shift reflects a broader ideological transition where the state is seen as retreating from social responsibilities while simultaneously expanding its role in policing and penal matters.

Key Points

Overall, the commentary presents a critical analysis of how security discourse is used to justify the transformation of social policy into punitive measures, reflecting deeper socioeconomic inequalities.

Presenters or Contributors

Notable Quotes

01:56 — « This new doxa is a whole new neoliberal punitive common sense which comes to us from the United States. »
03:46 — « The realization of the neoliberal utopia is not the least state; it is the least state in economic and social matters. »
04:22 — « The real issue of this new discourse on security is to legitimize the transition from social treatment to police and criminal treatment of poverty. »
04:48 — « It takes a mental, cultural, and institutional reform to impose precarious employment as the normal horizon of employment for the working classes. »


News and Commentary
