Summary of 🔴En direct : la cérémonie du 1er sommet des chefs d’État des pays membres de l’AES

The subtitles from the YouTube video cover a live ceremony for the first summit of the heads of state of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES). The speakers address the history of imperialism in Africa, the need for African unity, and the goals of the AES in terms of defense, security, and economic development. The speakers express gratitude for the warm welcome and solidarity among the member countries. They discuss the importance of collective defense against terrorism and the need for free movement of people within the alliance. The summit aims to strengthen the alliance and promote regional cooperation for peace, security, and prosperity. The speakers emphasize the importance of African values, solidarity, and sovereignty in the face of external threats. The event includes speeches from various heads of state, military tributes, and cultural performances.


Notable Quotes

40:31 — « protect our populations and defend the integrity of our territory., »
44:27 — « forgive me forgive me, I have nothing that forgive me forgive me, suffice., »
65:33 — « honest defender of the Nigerien armed nation, be proud to be a soldier., »
69:52 — « protect the Fatherland or death will defeat us. »
97:03 — « we want to chat with you, you, are you, are just going. »


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