Summary of Cutting Edge -Too poor for posh school (2010)

The video "Cutting Edge - Too Poor for Posh School" explores the unique opportunity provided by Harrow School, one of Britain's most prestigious private schools, to underprivileged boys through the Peter Beckwith scholarship. This scholarship, valued at nearly £200,000, allows boys from modest backgrounds to compete for a place at the elite institution, which traditionally has high annual fees of around £30,000.

Key Highlights:

Notable Moments:

Lifestyle Tips and Advice:

Notable Locations:

Products and Speakers:

Overall, the video illustrates the transformative potential of educational scholarships for underprivileged children, showcasing their hopes and aspirations in the face of socio-economic challenges.

Notable Quotes

47:20 — « Harrow isn't just a school; it's a gift. »
47:35 — « To some extent you are playing God with a small G; you have got the ability just by saying yes or no to altering the destiny of this one individual and you don't make that sort of decision lightly. »
48:16 — « Are these scholarships truly the route to happiness for the boys? »


