Summary of Should the U.S. Send More Weapons to Ukraine? A Debate on Funding & Ways to End Two-Year-Old War

The debate surrounding whether the U.S. should send more weapons to Ukraine is ongoing amidst the two-year war with Russia. European leaders have pledged to send arms, including missiles, to Ukraine, with the possibility of ground troops being considered. The U.S. Senate approved a $95 billion foreign aid package, including $60 billion in military aid for Ukraine, but there is a debate over whether this funding will help end the war or perpetuate it. The CIA's role in assisting Ukraine on the battlefield has been revealed, with the agency training Ukrainian forces and establishing spy bases along the Russian border. There are calls for negotiations to end the war, with concerns over corruption and missing weapons in Ukraine. The debate over funding for Ukraine also intersects with discussions on Israel and the Israeli war on Gaza. The political lines on this issue are complex, with progressives calling for peace talks and opposing further military aid. The need for negotiations and a focus on ending the war is emphasized by both guests, Media Benjamin and Professor Steven Crowley. Jake Sullivan, White House National Security adviser, has emphasized the need for more military aid for Ukraine, while there are concerns about the effectiveness of such aid in ending the conflict. The political landscape regarding funding for Ukraine and Israel is complex, with calls for a focus on peace negotiations and an end to the war.


Notable Quotes

00:56 — « this is not about a shortage of will Martha this is about a shortage of bullets and if we can fill that shortage of bullets Ukraine will stand up Brave and courageous and take the fight to the Russians. »
17:47 — « if the World Europe in particular can shift to Greater climate change alleviation less dependence on oil and gas then this would even weaken Russias position even further. »
19:51 — « there are no Democrats who are opposing more money to Ukraine there are no Democrats who are opposing more money to Ukraine you might remember Amy way back last year in October when there were 30 progress Democrats who said maybe its time to consider negotiations. »
22:23 — « we have to go to all the members of Congress and say not one penny for Israel even if its in a package that you like something else in there no more money for Israel oppose the entire package. »


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