Summary of Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification Course (AZ-900) - Pass the exam in 3 hours!

In this YouTube video, Andrew Brown from Exam Pro provides an overview of the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification Course (AZ-900) and offers insights into the Azure platform. The video covers various topics related to using Microsoft Azure, including creating and managing resources such as blob storage, using Cloud Shell, understanding Azure Trust Center and compliance programs, implementing Azure Active Directory, multi-factor authentication, Azure Security Center, Key Vault, DDoS protection, Azure firewall, Azure Information Protection, Azure application gateway, Azure Advanced Threat Protection, Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle, Azure policies, role-based access controls, locking resources, Azure Management Groups, Azure monitor, Azure service health, Azure advisor, SLAs, service credits, composite SLAs, Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) calculator, Azure Marketplace, and Azure support plans.

Main Ideas and Concepts

Topics Covered

Additional Information

Furthermore, the video discusses Microsoft Azure support plans, Azure hybrid benefit, subscription models, pricing calculator, cost management, and steps to book the AZ-900 exam through Pearson VUE. Microsoft Azure provides various support options, including chat and phone support, third-party support, response times for support tickets, support plan inclusions, and different levels of support plans ranging from basic to professional direct.


Overall, the video provides a comprehensive overview of the Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification Course (AZ-900), covering a wide range of topics related to Azure services, tools, security, compliance, support, and exam preparation.

Notable Quotes

17:24 — « And then we will choose our time. And so from there, all we have to do is add to order pay and there you go. So thats all it takes to book your exam. So, good luck on your exam. »
35:22 — « your ability for your service to remain available by ensuring there is no single point of failure, or ensure a certain level of performance., »
37:01 — « your ability to increase your capacity based on the increasing demand of traffic memory and computing power., »
37:56 — « your ability to automatically increase or decrease your capacity based on the current demand of traffic memory and computing power. »


