Summary of Leviers d’efficacité : le modèle RAI - Institut des troubles d'apprentissage

Summary of "Leviers d’efficacité : le modèle RAI - Institut des troubles d'apprentissage"

The video presents the RAI (Response to Intervention) model, a structured approach designed to identify and support students with special needs effectively. The speaker, Marjolaine Masson, a neuropsychologist at the Institute of Learning Disabilities, outlines how this model can help educators make informed decisions about teaching strategies and interventions based on data.

Main Ideas and Concepts:

Detailed Bullet Point Format of Methodology:

Speakers or Sources Featured:

Notable Quotes

04:59 — « The r model to facilitate early intervention and maximizes student achievement. »
05:33 — « The r hai model can help differentiate from low results which would be due to difficulties of the student compared to low results which would be due to inadequate teaching. »
06:06 — « The model is rail can help you meet the various needs of your students. »


