Summary of How does cancer spread through the body? - Ivan Seah Yu Jun

Cancer usually starts as a solitary tumor in a specific area of the body and can spread to nearby organs or distant places like the brain, a process known as Metastasis.

Researchers or sources featured

Notable Quotes

02:25 — « Stephen Paget, an English surgeon, came up with the seed and soil theory of metastasis. »
02:43 — « James Ewing, the first professor of pathology at Cornell University, challenged the seed and soil theory. »
03:02 — « Today, we know that both theories contain valuable truths. »
03:06 — « Yet the full stories of metastasis is much more complicated than either of the two proposed theories. »
03:43 — « The war against cancer is a constant struggle, and scientists are hard at work developing new methods against metastasis. »


Science and Nature
