Summary of Den totala guiden: Allt du behöver veta om föräldraförsäkringen och föräldrapenning
The video is a comprehensive guide on Parental insurance and Parental allowance for soon-to-be parents.
- Parental benefit days
- Flexibility in parental leave
- Shared parental leave
- Double days
- Notifying employers
- Saving Parental allowance days
- Income calculation for Parental allowance
- Parental pay
- Recalculation of sickness benefit-based income
- Applying for Parental allowance
- Pregnancy allowance
- Temporary Parental allowance
Key Points
- Two types of Parental benefit days: sickness benefit level days and minimum level days.
- Flexibility in withdrawing Parental allowance.
- Advantages of sharing Parental allowance days equally.
- Double days where both parents can be off at the same time for up to 30 days.
- Notifying employers about parental leave.
- Saving Parental allowance days up to the child's 12th birthday.
- Recalculation of sickness benefit-based income when the child turns one.
- Applying for Parental allowance before and after the child is born.
- Pregnancy allowance for risky work environments.
- Temporary Parental allowance for the non-pregnant parent.
- Malin
- Kila
- Martin from Försäkringskassan
Notable Quotes
— 09:24 — « You can also receive parental allowance when you visit the midwifes office, for example when you go for an ultrasound and you can receive parental allowance at the same time for the same day. »
— 10:07 — « If your income changes while you are on parental leave, for example if you get a salary increase, you must register with us at the Social Insurance Agency. »
— 12:28 — « Remember to apply no later than 90 days after the first day you were at home with the child. »