Summary of How To Bulk Like A Pro (Using Science)

Key Strategies for Effective Bulking:

Training Recommendations:


Tools and Resources:


The presenter encourages viewers to commit to a scientifically-informed bulking strategy to achieve significant muscle gains while managing fat gain effectively.


Notable Quotes

00:48 — « The reality is old school dirty bulks do build muscle but they also have a problem: they cause way more fat gain than muscle gain. »
02:44 — « Your body doesn't really care about building muscle; your body cares about survival. »
05:11 — « You definitely shouldn't do the old school dirty bulking approach where you just eat as much as humanly possible. »
10:55 — « The idea that cardio kills your gains is based on outdated low-quality science. »
11:34 — « The basic advice is to take 5g of creatine per day, use protein powder as you need it, and consider taking about 200mg of caffeine before your workouts. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
