Summary of Basics of Advocacy & Lobbying for 501(c)(3) Organizations (Part 1) (May 24, 2017)

Summary of "Basics of Advocacy & Lobbying for 501(c)(3) Organizations (Part 1)"


Main Ideas and Concepts:

Detailed Instructions/Methodology:

Speakers or Sources Featured:

Notable Quotes

11:28 — « All these advocacy activities other than lobbying and electioneering are not restricted for 501 C 3 s and they can engage in an unlimited amount of these other advocacy activities. »
17:51 — « Most 501 C 3 organizations have the option of electing to have their lobbying activities measured by the expenditure test under Section 501 H instead of the more vague substantial part test. »
19:52 — « The lobbying test provides specific and relatively generous dollar limits on the amount that can be spent by the organization to influence legislation. »
23:33 — « The lobbying expenditure limits under Section 501 H are based on the total amount of the organization's exempt purpose expenditures. »
27:54 — « If you make an ad regarding a highly publicized piece of legislation and it reflects a view on the subject of the legislation, then it's going to be presumed to be grassroots lobbying. »


