Summary of How 5 Polyglots Broke Language Learning

Main Ideas and Techniques

Summary of Methodologies

Speakers Featured

These polyglots provide valuable insights and practical techniques that can help anyone looking to learn a new language more effectively.

Notable Quotes

07:59 — « Janus believes that to successfully learn a language we need to love making mistakes and for that wearing a silly hat lets us be carefree and relaxed. »
11:23 — « Steve strongly believes in not using memorization to learn a language. Steve thinks that it's pretty ineffective to repeat the same word over and over to remember it not only because this is boring but also because there's a better and more enjoyable way to do it. »
11:30 — « It's more about wandering or vagabonding around the language, becoming aware of the words and the grammar and then encountering them so many times that the brain has no other option than to remember them naturally. »


