Summary of AZ-900 Episode 1 | Cloud Computing and Vocabulary | Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Full Course

Cloud computing is a delivery model for services like storage, offering a wide range of services and tools for data storage and migration.

Cloud computing involves creating applications and connecting components securely, with the ability to review performance and telemetry data.

The main services of Cloud computing include storage, computer resources, creating applications, secure networking, and analytics capabilities.

scalability involves increasing or decreasing the size of resources vertically (scaling up) or horizontally (scaling out).

Elasticity allows the system to dynamically scale resources based on workload changes, with automatic scaling being a key feature.

Agility in the cloud refers to the ability to provision and deallocate resources quickly, compared to on-premises environments.

Fault tolerance ensures system uptime during component or service failures, with built-in fault tolerance in cloud services.

Disaster recovery involves setting up replication between regions to ensure system functionality after a major disruption.

High availability measures system uptime versus downtime, with companies aiming for high availability to minimize downtime.

Cloud services offer high availability by default, but critical systems may require specific tools and design for achieving high availability.


Notable Quotes

02:15 — « Scalability is an ability of the system to scale in this case scaling is a process of adding or removing resources. »
03:39 — « Elasticity is the ability of the system to scale dynamically. »
05:15 — « Fault tolerance talks about the ability of the system to remain up and running during component and service failures. »
06:19 — « Disaster is a serious disruption of entire service caused by natural or human-induced causes. »
07:29 — « High availability is a simple metric that measures how much uptime of the system. »


