Summary of My Friends TROLLED ME In Our Minecraft World...

The video follows a group of friends playing Minecraft in their world. They start off with a pledge of allegiance to a squid flag, discuss taxes, and work on building a tentacle statue. There is drama surrounding stolen items and a security system that is installed to catch thieves. The friends work together to build the statue and discuss future plans for the island. The video ends with the president making new laws and assigning tasks to each friend. ### Methodology: - Pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Squid. - Pay taxes at the tax chest. - Deliver resources for the statue. - Build a tentacle statue with a crown on top. - Install a security alarm system. - Experiment with the alarm system to prevent theft. - Resolve issues of stolen items and punishment. - Make new laws and assign tasks for the island. ### Speakers: - The President - Craner - Jelly

Notable Quotes

16:21 — « "I may look upon this situation differently, but all I know now is that those items must be destroyed." »
16:41 — « "However, based on what Jelly has said, I have decided that the pickaxe itself can be donated to the town hall." »
17:00 — « "How are nine diamonds going to be used by the community? Do you see what I mean? He's literally stealing from a dead man." »
