Summary of Teen Brain PBS

The PBS documentary "Teen Brain" explores the complexities of adolescent brain development and behavior. It highlights significant changes in the teenage brain, particularly in the frontal cortex, which affects decision-making, emotional regulation, and social interactions.

Key Scientific Concepts and Discoveries:


Researchers and Sources Featured:

This documentary emphasizes the importance of understanding the developmental changes in the teenage brain to foster better communication and relationships between parents and their adolescent children.

Notable Quotes

40:04 — « Separation is the whole job of teenagers and as parents what we would say we want, what we truly want in our hearts is to launch them into rich independent textured lives of their own. »
40:25 — « I have a friend who says that teenagers plant their feet firmly on your chest and launch themselves off into their own life and that's just how it feels. »
41:03 — « When you ask children whom they admire, they often talk about their parents if they have a good relationship. »
41:26 — « I think you can put more trust in your mom than you can in anybody else and I have no shame in saying I love my mom. »


Science and Nature
