Summary of Dr. Diego Bohórquez: The Science of Your Gut Sense & the Gut-Brain Axis

Dr. Diego Bohórquez, a pioneer in gut sensing and the gut-brain axis, discusses the actual sensing that occurs within the gut, focusing on enteroendocrine cells that detect specific nutrients in food and communicate with the brain to influence behavior. The gut-brain axis plays a crucial role in regulating emotions, food preferences, and overall well-being. Dr. Bohórquez emphasizes the importance of understanding gut sensing for maintaining health. The video delves into the connection between the gut and the brain through neuropod cells, the role of the vagus nerve in bidirectional communication, and the significance of listening to the body's signals. Native communities' agricultural practices, plant-based diets, and medicinal properties are also explored. Personal anecdotes about Dr. Bohórquez's upbringing in the Amazon and his journey into studying nutrition and neuroscience are shared. The video encourages paying attention to gut sensing, subscribing to the YouTube channel, following on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, and supporting sponsors mentioned. The methodology involves studying precise neurons, tracing neural circuits, exploring amino acid and lipid sensing, and understanding the role of plants in coexisting factors. ### Methodology: 1. Isolation of neuroepithelial cells to study their anatomy and interactions with nerve fibers. 2. Labeling of cells to visualize their connectivity and communication with the brain. 3. Use of rabies virus to trace neural circuits between the gut and the brain. 4. Demonstrating the rapid transmission of information from the gut to the brain through direct neural connections. 5. Investigation of how the brain processes information from the gut to influence behavior and emotions. 6. Study precise neurons and methods of tracing neurons. 7. Explore sensing of specific amino acids and lipids in the gut. 8. Investigate the role of plants in coexisting factors. 9. Understand the communication between the gut and brain through neuropod cells. 10. Examine the role of the nucleus tractus solitarius in regulating hunger and appetite. 11. Explore the electrical patterns generated by the gut and brain. 12. Discuss the bidirectional communication of the vagus nerve between the brain and body. 13. Emphasize the importance of listening to the body's signals for overall well-being. 14. Paying attention to gut sensing and the gut-brain axis. 15. Appreciating the gut microbiome's importance for overall health. 16. Feeding the microbiome with fiber and fermented foods. 17. Listening to subtle signs and signals from the gut for making better decisions. 18. Navigating decisions about food intake, social interactions, and other life choices. 19. Bridging the gap between nutrition, neuroscience, and psychology. 20. Maintaining dialogue with the public to understand the world we live in. 21. Following the Hubman Lab newsletter for science-based tools and protocols. ### Speakers: - Dr. Diego Bohórquez

Notable Quotes

03:47 — « Diego: They approach sensory neurons and recapitulate the circuitry in a dish - literally the gut and the brain in a dish.", "Diego: The virus jumps one station, stops - infection within reach. What is the gut-brain axis?"] [" »
75:30 — « this pathway that we call the gut-brain axis is really a sixth sense of a very elaborate kind. ] »
131:53 — « he said that he brought his microscope with him with him", "he said that he brought his microscope with him."] [" »
132:28 — « we're a di we're a dial species", "we're a dial species."] [" »
150:30 — « learning to sense one's way into and through decisions through intuition", "learning to sense one's way into and through decisions through intuition."] »
