Summary of SN1 and SN2 reactions

The video discusses the SN1 and SN2 reactions, specifically detailing the synthesis processes for One-Bromobutane and T-Butyl Chloride. The video outlines the steps involved in each reaction, emphasizing the importance of precise measurements and proper laboratory techniques.

Scientific Concepts and Discoveries:

Methodology for SN2 Synthesis of One-Bromobutane:

  1. Preparation:
    • Heat a sand bath on a hot plate.
    • Measure and record exact amounts of Butyl Alcohol and Sodium Bromide.
    • Add a glass bead or boiling chip to the test tube.
    • Use an ice bath when adding concentrated acid catalyst.
  2. Reflux:
    • Place the test tube in a ring stand and lower it into the sand bath for about an hour.
  3. Cooling and Layer Removal:
    • After cooling, cover with parafilm.
    • Use a long stem glass pipette to remove the bottom waste layer.
    • Wash the product with:
      • 2 mL of water (bubbling indicates acid reaction).
      • 2 mL of saturated Sodium Bicarbonate (bubbles indicate reaction with leftover acid).
      • 2 mL of saturated Sodium Chloride.
    • Add anhydrous sodium sulfate to dry the product.
  4. Final Steps:
    • Transfer the final product to a tared vial and weigh it.
    • Analyze the sample using a gas chromatograph (GC).

Methodology for SN2 Synthesis of T-Butyl Chloride:

  1. Preparation:
    • Cool 15 mL of concentrated Hydrochloric Acid in an ice bath.
    • Add the cooled acid to a separatory funnel.
    • Add 4 grams of t-Butyl Alcohol and cover with parafilm.
  2. Reaction:
    • Gently swirl the flask for about five minutes, periodically venting.
    • Shake the flask for about 15 minutes, venting periodically.
  3. Layer Separation:
    • Drain the bottom aqueous layer into a waste flask.
    • Wash the product with:
    • Add anhydrous sodium sulfate to dry the product.
  4. Final Steps:
    • Transfer the product to a vial, cap immediately.
    • Weigh the final product and analyze using GC.

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