Summary of Eszközök és módszerek, melyeket egy szoftverfejlesztőnek kötelező (lenne) ismernie 2024-ben

The webinar hosted by Cubikedu discusses essential tools and methods for software developers in 2024, featuring experts Edina and Csaba Faragó. They cover a comprehensive curriculum designed to enhance the skills of software developers, focusing on various aspects of programming, software development, and team collaboration.

Key Topics Covered:

Notable Features:

Main Speakers:

The session encourages questions from participants and promotes future webinars for continued learning in software development.

Notable Quotes

03:45 — « I feel like a bit of a lampoon myself, but I hope that we will still be able to go through the following areas well together. »
20:16 — « I always asked for each topic the chat gpt what he says about the given area and usually he said useful things, so it was worth including it. »
37:34 — « Even a higher level of English can in certain cases be such a disadvantage, because in the whole world, English is the default language. »


