Summary of Where do PLAYERS COME FROM?: when nice guys turn into bad boys

The video titled "Where do PLAYERS COME FROM?: when nice guys turn into bad boys" discusses the transformation of men into players, who are successful with women. It debunks the myth of natural confidence and emphasizes that success with women requires skill and effort. Players are usually former nice guys who have been hurt and decide to improve their dating skills. They study mating and dating behavior like applied behavioral scientists, undergo personal rejection, and question their beliefs about relationships. The example of the movies "In the Mood for Love" and "2046" is used to illustrate this transformation, where the protagonist, Chao, adopts a defensive and indifferent attitude towards relationships to protect himself. However, this defensive posture leads to missed opportunities for genuine connections, highlighting the emotional struggles that lead to the development of players. Dr. Orion Taraban is the speaker in the video. ### Methodology - Players are usually former nice guys who have been hurt and decide to improve their dating skills. - They study mating and dating behavior like applied behavioral scientists. - They undergo significant personal rejection and questioning of their beliefs about women and relationships. - They adopt a defensive and indifferent attitude towards relationships to protect themselves from further heartbreak. - They engage in temporary relationships to avoid emotional vulnerability. ### Speakers - Dr. Orion Taraban

Notable Quotes

00:09 — « The myth of the natural is just that - a myth. »
01:16 — « Players are nice guys who got hurt one too many times and decided to do something about it. »
01:42 — « Intense pain associated with these experiences serves as sufficient motivation to master a skill set. »
03:48 — « 2046 is much more complex and to my mind more honest. »
06:25 — « A man who has been significantly betrayed by women embraces a world of temporary relationships and superficial interactions. »
