Summary of O nascer pelo Espírito - Bruno Frigini - 15/06/2024
The video discusses the concept of being born in the spirit, focusing on a biblical passage where Jesus talks to Nicodemus. Key points highlighted in the subtitles include:
- Nicodemus, a Pharisee, had a sincere curiosity about Jesus and recognized his works as coming from God.
- Jesus emphasizes the need for a new birth to see the kingdom of God, regardless of religious background.
- Being born again is an act of God that creates a new being, involving a new nature and the presence of the Holy Spirit.
- The reference to being born of water and the spirit alludes to a covenant promised since ancient times.
- The Holy Spirit purifies and transforms hearts, enabling obedience to God's will and a desire for spiritual things.
Presenters or Sources
Notable Quotes
— 31:40 — « I heard a voice that was not audible but inside my heart that I had never heard and the voice went through my heart and said you are my son and I love you. »
— 37:04 — « you are my son and I love you. »
— 43:15 — « those who live according to the flesh incline towards the things of the Flesh but those who live according to the spirit incline towards the things of the Spirit. »
— 46:42 — « to be born of the Spirit is to be indwelt by the Holy Spirit in such a way that we are empowered to do His will in obedience to the truth. »
Wellness and Self-Improvement