Summary of IGCSE Economics 0455 Chapter 5 | Economic Development | 2023 - 2025 syllabus
Summary of IGCSE Economics 0455 Chapter 5: Economic Development
Main Ideas and Concepts:
- Economic Development: Focuses on the overall well-being of the population, examining Living Standards, poverty, and the differences between developed and less developed economies.
- Living Standards: Defined as the factors contributing to a person's well-being and happiness. It is primarily measured through GDP per capita, which reflects the average income per person in an economy.
- Measurement of Living Standards:
- Advantages of GDP per capita:
- Indicates total production in an economy.
- Correlates with employment rates and economic growth.
- Readily available and commonly used for predictions.
- Disadvantages of GDP per capita:
- Fails to account for purchasing power and income inequality.
- Does not consider technological advancements or unpaid work.
- Excludes factors like health, education, and environmental quality.
- Advantages of GDP per capita:
- Human Development Index (HDI): Developed by the United Nations to measure Living Standards, incorporating:
- Income Index: Average national income.
- Education Index: Years of schooling.
- Healthcare Index: Life expectancy at birth.
- Advantages of HDI:
- Accounts for major indicators of Living Standards.
- Recognizes social factors beyond mere output.
- Useful for global comparisons.
- Limitations of HDI:
- Combines separate indicators, which may not correlate.
- Does not address income inequality.
- Lacks data availability for all countries.
- Causes of Differences in Living Standards:
- Within a country: Regional income variances, Government Policies, and local services.
- Between countries: Industrial productivity, resource availability, tax structures, corruption, and impacts of war and natural disasters.
- Poverty:
- Types:
- Absolute Poverty: Inability to afford basic necessities.
- Relative Poverty: Having fewer resources than others in the same society.
- Causes of Poverty: Unemployment, low education levels, family size, age, government support, health issues, and overpopulation.
- Government Policies to Address Poverty:
- Measures to reduce unemployment.
- Progressive taxation.
- Welfare services.
- Improved education quality and access.
- Types:
- Population Factors:
- Birth Rates: Influenced by Living Standards, contraception use, customs, and female employment.
- Death Rates: Affected by Living Standards, healthcare advancements, and external factors like wars and natural disasters.
- Migration: Driven by the pursuit of better Living Standards, employment opportunities, and climate conditions.
- Population Structure: Examines age and gender distribution, which impacts labor force participation and social services.
- Economic Development: Encompasses improvements in Living Standards, poverty reduction, and balanced population growth, with indicators like life expectancy and literacy rates highlighting a country's development status.
Methodology and Key Takeaways:
- Understand the definitions and implications of Living Standards, GDP, and HDI.
- Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of different measures of Living Standards.
- Recognize the multifaceted causes of poverty and the effectiveness of government interventions.
- Explore the relationship between population dynamics and Economic Development.
Speakers/Sources Featured:
The video appears to be presented by an unnamed educator or instructor discussing the IGCSE Economics syllabus.
Notable Quotes
— 03:02 — « Dog treats are the greatest invention ever. »