Summary of Efeito Diedro em aeronaves - A explicação - Teoria de Vôo
The video explains the Dihedral Effect in aircraft. Key points include:
- The Dihedral Effect is not caused by the tilt of the wing in relation to the horizon, but by the slip angle (beta) and skidding.
- The Dihedral Effect only appears when there is beta and skidding.
- skidding can cause the plane to roll to one side due to an imbalance in lift between the wings.
- Different techniques, such as aligning or lowering the wing, can help counteract the Dihedral Effect.
- simulations show how dihedral angles affect lift distribution and rolling moments.
- The Dihedral Effect is represented by the stability derivative CL beta.
- Various design decisions, such as wing polyhedral or sweep, can influence the Dihedral Effect.
Notable Quotes
— 12:06 — « It is not the simple rolling of the aircraft that causes the dihedral effect, it needs to roll and it needs to have the side, it needs to skid for the effect to exist. »
— 13:03 — « When it starts to slide it will take the wind to the right which is the beta that I showed in the simulation back there. »
— 13:26 — « It will generate the moment around the x axis that will bring this plane back into balance thanks to the dihedral effect. »
Science and Nature