Summary of 2024 University-wide Virtual Orientation

Summary of the 2024 University-wide Virtual Orientation

The virtual orientation for the Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) aimed to welcome new students and provide essential information about the university's mission, vision, policies, and available resources. The theme of the orientation was "Empowering Education for University Transformations and Innovations Shaping Students' Sustainable Futures."

Main Ideas and Concepts:

Methodology/Instructions Presented:

Speakers and Sources Featured:

This orientation served as a vital introduction to the university for new students, setting the stage for their academic journey at LSPU.

Notable Quotes

19:22 — « Remember, it's not just about the destination but the fun and sometimes hilarious journey along the way. »
36:40 — « Learn not just the science, not just the technology, but also the soft skills that will enable you to survive in this volatile, uncertain, complicated, and ambiguous world. »


