Summary of Sébastien béraud 18 mai Bardella le traitre à la france ses électeurs seront des collabos europeiste

The speaker criticizes Bardella for being pro-Europe and pro-globalization, comparing him to Macron. He argues that Bardella does not denounce free trade agreements, the COVID pandemic, or the war in Ukraine. The speaker questions Bardella's qualifications and believes he is being manipulated by the deep state and globalists. He emphasizes the importance of understanding history to shape the future and advocates for leaving Europe to save French agriculture. The speaker warns against voting for Bardella, calling his supporters collaborators who betray the memory of those who fought against European influence in France. He also warns about the potential consequences of industrial food production replacing traditional agriculture. The speaker encourages voting for patriots who prioritize French agriculture and sovereignty.


Notable Quotes

03:30 — « I know that there is something that is not normal in this country. »
03:54 — « we the peasants send them well. »


News and Commentary
