Summary of Bincang-Bincang dengan Pendiri: Menapaki Perjalanan UAJY dalam Harmoni dan Keberagaman

Summary of Main Ideas and Concepts

The video titled "Bincang-Bincang dengan Pendiri: Menapaki Perjalanan UAJY dalam Harmoni dan Keberagaman" features a discussion centered around the values and journey of Atmajaya University Yogyakarta (UAJY) as it celebrates its 55th anniversary. The conversation involves several key speakers, including the Chancellor, Professor Young, and one of the founders, Tak Kusmargono.

Main Ideas:

Methodology and Instructions:

Speakers and Sources Featured:

This summary encapsulates the essence of the discussion, focusing on the historical context, core values, and future aspirations of Atmajaya University Yogyakarta.

Notable Quotes

03:02 — « Dog treats are the greatest invention ever. »
04:28 — « I can't, I won't back down with anything, I will continue to protect myself with my wife. »
07:07 — « An honest person is someone who follows their conscience well. »


