Summary of Bacteria vs Viruses: The Difference and How to Fight them | Earth Science

The main difference between viruses and bacteria is their size, with viruses being much smaller and simpler in structure compared to bacteria.

bacteria are self-contained units with biological machinery, while viruses are practically empty and rely on hijacking living cells to replicate.

Antibiotics are effective against bacteria by targeting specific functions of bacterial cells, such as preventing cell division or rupturing the cell wall.

Antibiotics are not effective against viruses, as viruses do not have the same biological machinery to target.

Antiviral drugs work by physically blocking viruses from entering or exiting cells to prevent replication.

Antibiotics have played a crucial role in treating bacterial infections and have saved countless lives.

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Notable Quotes

02:55 — « So unless you have a bacterial infection, there is no point your doctor prescribing antibiotics. »
03:09 — « Drugs to combat viruses work in a totally different way. [191] Most antiviral drugs need to physically block the virus from getting into or out of the cell it needs in order to replicate. »


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