Summary of SocialFi Is Crypto's Biggest Opportunity | Mert Mumtaz

Main Financial Strategies and Business Trends:

Methodology and Step-by-Step Insights:

Key Insights:


Notable Quotes

23:04 — « I really hate the frame of mind which says something like this has been tried before and so it won't work because nothing is homogeneous in this. »
23:24 — « You can absolutely just get one tiny different insight; it doesn't have to be anything ground changing. »
24:27 — « Retention is the oldest problem in consumer, and once somebody figures that out, then I think that is ultimately social f is going to be the thing that takes crypto forward. »
47:20 — « People are just upset; people are grumpy now. »
49:20 — « Be like, 'Hey, that's probably not true, but I'm going to give it a try,' and you'll learn things. »


Business and Finance
