Summary of Know Your Season | Ps. Jussar Badudu

In the video titled "Know Your Season" by Ps. Jussar Badudu, the speaker discusses the concept of seasons in life, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and adapting to these changes. The main focus is on how individuals can respond to new seasons with different attitudes and perspectives.

Key Strategies and Tips:


The overall message encourages individuals to embrace the changes that come with new seasons in life, respond positively, and trust in the process of growth and renewal.

Notable Quotes

02:16 — « New is identical to change and change usually brings things that make us like it or dislike it. »
17:04 — « How often do we want to enter a new season, we exaggerate the negative things instead of the positive things that we can experience. »
21:30 — « Don't get hung up on the past; it's OK to look back once in a while, but don't get hung up on it. »
24:14 — « Behold, I am about to do something new; do you not perceive it? »
30:59 — « Do not focus on what you can't control; choose your response. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
