Summary of Improving Livelihoods, Nutrition, and Empowerment for Rural Women and their Families in Minya, Egypt

The video discusses a project aimed at improving the livelihoods, nutrition, and empowerment of rural women and their families in Minya, Egypt. The project addresses various challenges faced by women in the agricultural sector, particularly in the context of climate change and economic hardships. Here are the key wellness strategies, self-care techniques, and productivity tips highlighted in the video:

Key Strategies and Techniques:

Additional Insights:


Notable Quotes

03:17 — « The entire project, funded by the Canadian government in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Solidarity, focuses on supporting and empowering Egyptian female farmers. »
04:49 — « With the aim of improving food security and dietary diversity for women, the project focused on implementing an educational kitchen that contributes to spreading health awareness and production. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
