Summary of O que te move a fazer missões? - João Batista - 29/06/2024

Key Wellness Strategies and Self-Care Techniques:

Productivity Tips:


The video emphasizes that missions are vital for the church's health and vitality, suggesting that the church must be outward-looking and engaged in serving others to thrive spiritually and communally.


Notable Quotes

19:20 — « I believe that God wants to take us to a higher level and we need to advance towards the whole of God. »
20:51 — « We cannot complain about our leaders, our pastors, they have helped us a lot in this matter of growth. »
24:46 — « The church that we are is God's plan to influence the cities and restore people to the glory of God. »
44:45 — « Missions are oxygen for the church. »
66:46 — « Our lives only make sense when we are helping other people, rescuing, helping, giving support. »


Wellness and Self-Improvement
