Summary of The "Model Minority" Myth - Stanley N. Shikuma

The video delves into the "Model Minority" myth, highlighting how it portrays certain minority groups, such as Japanese Americans, as successful in the U.S. due to hard work and diligence. It sheds light on how white supremacists use this myth to divide and conquer, disregarding the historical racism and structural barriers faced by minorities. Additionally, the myth indirectly criticizes other minority groups. The methodology behind this myth is explored, emphasizing the belief that success can be achieved in the U.S. through adherence to rules, academic excellence, and avoiding trouble. Stanley N. Shikuma is the speaker in the video.

Notable Quotes

00:10 — « the model minority myth is based on the idea that through hard work and diligence anybody can make it in the United States including people of color', ' »
00:34 — « Japanese are Americans are doing well overall economically educationally occupationally they will say is proof because and it's because they worked hard and they did well in school and they didn't cause trouble and therefore they are a model minority', ' »
00:55 — « and therefore they are a model minority, you know they're not white but they succeeded because they followed the rules and they didn't Rock the Boat', ' »
01:25 — « the unspoken part or sometimes outward spoken part even is that if you were more like them the model minority then you too could succeed', ' »
01:50 — « and that structural barriers that the racism has created'] »
