Summary of How To Connect With God? (When It Feels Hard to Worship) | Marlon Medina | Worship Series Week 2
Key Wellness Strategies and Self-Care Techniques:
- Understanding Communication: Recognize that humans are created to communicate, and Worship is a vital form of Communication with God.
- Identifying Barriers to Worship: Acknowledge that there are spiritual barriers that can disrupt your connection with God.
Barriers to Worship:
- Need to Control Outcomes: Worrying about controlling situations can hinder genuine Communication with God.
- Checking Up on Idols: Surrendering something to God but frequently returning to it creates a barrier.
- Wrong View of God: Seeing God as distant or uncaring affects your ability to Worship authentically.
- Worship of Human Intellect: Relying solely on human reasoning can block obedience to God’s guidance.
- Self-Righteousness: Believing you deserve God’s blessings based on your behavior can lead to pride and disconnect.
- Suppression of Truth About Sin: Ignoring or downplaying your sins prevents you from repenting and connecting with God.
- Ignorance of Who Jesus Is: Not knowing Jesus personally creates a barrier to true Worship.
- Procrastination: Delaying your spiritual practices leads to a widening gap between you and God.
- Demonic Influence: Recognizing that Spiritual Warfare can create barriers to Worship and connection with God.
Strategies to Overcome Barriers:
- Feed Your Spiritual Man: Engage in daily Bible reading, prayer, and Worship to strengthen your spiritual life.
- Starve Your Carnal Man: Identify and eliminate distractions and Idols that consume your focus and energy.
- Consistency is Key: Make spiritual practices a daily habit to allow God’s word to fill your subconscious, leading to transformation.
The most important aspect of life is maintaining a connection with God through Worship. The speaker encourages viewers to confront and dismantle barriers, emphasizing that true Worship requires effort and commitment.
Notable Quotes
— 06:46 — « The devil wants to make you think that the problem with the lack of connection between you and God is you. »
— 17:02 — « When you start doing it in an adulterous type of way, it becomes a barrier to your worship. »
— 20:06 — « Self-righteousness robs you of seeing the grace that God gives you. »
— 26:05 — « There are spiritual beings that are solely in charge; their unique purpose is to kill the connection between you and God. »
— 33:10 — « The issue is not that you suck; the issue is demonic opposition that becomes a barrier for us. »
Wellness and Self-Improvement