Summary of Экспресс поединки. Ситуация "Ты кто такой?"

The video showcases a scenario where a young manager named Dmitry asserts his authority over a subordinate who questions him. Dmitry reminds the subordinate of the company's hierarchy and maintains professionalism throughout the confrontation, leading to the subordinate complying with his instructions. The situation ends with Dmitry successfully demonstrating his clear role assignment and firm stance, which ultimately gives him the upper hand. ### Methodology - Assert authority by reminding subordinates of the company's hierarchy. - Clearly define roles and responsibilities within the team. - Maintain professionalism and avoid getting into personal conflicts. - Listen to complaints or feedback in a formal setting. - Avoid hiding behind external forces or circumstances. - Display confidence and decisiveness in handling challenging situations. ### Speakers - Dmitry (young manager) - Nigmatulin Said (player number one) - Korotkov (player number two)

Notable Quotes

02:28 — « who are you to command »
04:31 — « But then, in vain, »
04:32 — « the company and everything is necessary it was on this »
05:47 — « But player number also noticed some of his uncertainty, and this was expressed in the fact that you didn’t let your opponent say anything, you just when he was about to »
09:08 — « Yes, it looked weaker than player number one who hid behind coffee. »
