Summary of If You Drink Alcohol, Follow These Damage Control Tactics - Rhonda Patrick
Alcohol consumption should be limited to one to two drinks per week for optimal health
Avoid binge drinking and consuming four to five drinks in one occasion
Factors like timing, hydration, and magnesium intake can help reduce the negative effects of alcohol on sleep and hangovers
supplements like magnesium glycinate, electrolytes, acetylcysteine, liposomal glutathione, and a multivitamin can aid in reducing alcohol's damaging effects
Avoid taking ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce hangover symptoms
Use wearable fitness and sleep tracking devices to assess the effects of alcohol on sleep and overall health
Engaging in regular exercise can lessen the risks associated with Alcohol consumption
Live an overall physically active lifestyle to mitigate the risks of Alcohol consumption
- Rhonda Patrick
Notable Quotes
— 01:48 — « the literature suggests one to two drinks per week. »
— 02:17 — « you should avoid consuming four to five drinks on any single occasion or binge drinking. »
— 02:42 — « if you have your last drink four hours or more before going to sleep this seems to drastically reduce the impact on Sleep Quality and sleep architecture. »
— 03:54 — « supplementing with an acetylcysteine and liposomal glutathione may reduce some of alcohols damaging effects. »
— 04:05 — « supplement with a micronutrient risk multivitamin to replenish your bodys micronutrient stores after consuming alcohol. »
Wellness and Self-Improvement